
Expat expat - probably also means something in latin, but I choose to follow:
EX PAT = exo apo patrida. Patrida means fatherland or motherland in Greek, so "outside of your homeland".  To me - outside my home-country also means outside my comfort-zone. Is that a nightmare or a fairytale? Or something in between?

What is it like to be an expat? What is our life like? What challenges do we meet?

Well, I guess expats are as different as most people and not a homogene group. Expats can be people who live in their host country temporarily. Most of them probably has an intention of going "home" one day.

People become expats for work reasons - like we did-  while others fall in love with a person or a place and others just search for a different life from that which they have been living.

Being an European expat in India meant for us a huge change in our lives. For me, to have a happy life I need to go with the flow sometimes.., to let it be sometimes and make the best of it, and the most of it. So based on my experience so far I would say:
  •  Embrace the new culture and look positive on the challenges that will appear. 
  •  Be open to new friendships. For me, the network of new friends - both Indians and other expats -    has meant the world!
  • Ask for help and advice from locals and other expats. Most are happy to share their experience.
If you are new to my blog, you might like my Milestone-posts. If you are new to Mumbai, the My tips posts will hopefully be useful.

You might enjoy:

The world through expat eyes
How to spot a Mumbai expat? - 7 signs to look for!
Half a year in Mumbai! 
One year in Mumbai!
Some moments to remember
My fear of drowning my little grey ones - in expat coctails
And so the Guru came

Ready-made or tailor-made?
To tan or to de-tan?
Veg or non-veg?  

Are you an expat? Do you have an experience to share? Contact me at: eliexpat@gmail.com

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